Monday, April 4, 2011

Beer Review: Hoegaarden Original White Ale

A Pleasant Surprise

When walking into the beer store there is always a feeling of trying something new and not getting the same kind of beer, but what usually happens is you get the same beer you always get. This is never a problem because drinking what you know and like is ideal but it is also safe. Every once in a while you should take a chance and get something new. One beer that you probably will not be disappointed in drinking is the Hoegaarden Original White Ale. It is a very complex tasting beer with many flavors that come through. It is diverse but balanced. Although it is the type of beer that people will not mind buying it is definitely one that you get with dinner or drink in short moderation. I did not really know what to expect when I picked this beer up, but I am glad I decided to do so.

Name: Hoegaarden Original White Ale

Brewery: Brouwerij van Hoegaarden, Belgium

Style: Witbier

ABV: 4.9%

Taste Like: The beer is full of many flavors. Like other witbier it has hints of fruit, mostly citrus, but unlike other witbier it is more dominated by spices. It tastes more like a beer (no shit), than most I have had in this style. It is well balanced with fruit, yeast and spices, and it leaves a nice taste even after you are done. It is a nice beer, definitely worth a try. It is not a beer I would drink every day, but it is very enjoyable on occasions. Very smooth, very drinkable, relaxing.

Goes Well With: I think this would be a great morning beer. It is very complex, and brings its own unique flavoring. For that reason, it cannot really go with anything that is very dominant in taste. Nothing overly spicy and complex, but it is a very tasty beverage.

Budget: $$$- Grab a six pack and it will probably last you a good amount of time depending on how you drink. It is a little steeper price, but not uncompromising. Worth trying, so if it is a little more expensive than what you normally get sack-up and buy it.

Grade: B (84)

Overall: Tipsy