Drinking Games

There will be a range of games and activities for you to enjoy at your leisure. We will have video for some of these games, mainly the power hour and ten minute warning on here soon. As always be responsible!

Rankings- this is not how buzzed the game will make you. Honestly you can play any game long enough or with the right drinks and get extremely buzzed. These are more a mindset or possible difficulty of the game. The more challenging the game the more you are going to be buzzed but, I wanted to recognize other factors as well:
* = I cannot wait to show my parents
** = Better make sure I have a game the ladies can play
*** = I bet I can do that
**** = I am ready to make bad decisions
***** = I will make bad decisions, but I won’t remember

Power Hour: ***

Power Hour is a classic game. When you have to prepare (pregame) with not much time, this will get the job done!

*NEED*- Something to keep track of time, shot glass

*Rules*- The object is to take a shot of beer every minute for an entire hour.

Watch Fucking Awesome Power Hour in Music  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

Watch psapower_xvid.avi in Entertainment  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

Ten Minute Warning: *****

An almost impossible game.  It is definitely not for the weak of stomach and comes with a warning. Power hour not doing the trick? This will. (As a warning do not try this)

*NEED*- someone or something to keep track of time, the more shot glasses the better

*Rules*- Every minute for ten minutes you take one shot of beer. But here's the catch. The first minute you take one shot of beer, the second minute you take two shots of beer, the third minute you take a three shots of beer and so on. It doesn't seem like it would be that hard but it is. A total of 55 shots of beer. Just remember you only have one minute to drink that amount of beer.

Stump: *

As a warning, this can be a bit of a dangerous game. Drinking, spinning hammers, pounding nails? It is fun but you have to be willing to give it a try.

*NEEDS*-Nails, hammer, huge tree stump

*Rules*- Every participant gets a nail and hammers it down into the stump (only enough to stand on its own). Remember which nail is yours and remember where others place theirs (might come in handy for strategy). Everyone gets 1 spin attempt per round. The number of spins, with a successful catch, is the amount of times you can attempt to drive/pound someone else’s nail into the stump. A drop is a pass in turn and however you catch the hammer is how you have to use it. Last player to have their nail standing or at least not completely in the stump wins.

Murder: ***

Murder who? Why this game is called murder, I have no idea. A slow beating followed by a quick and abrupt death is more like it. It starts off slow then it gets interesting.

*NEEDS*- Deck of cards

*Rules*- Place a set of cards in 4x4 (16 cards total) face up. The remaining cards are what you will be attempting to guess if they are higher or lower than the cards showing (Ace high). Each person, on their turn, must guess 3 correct scenarios in a row to pass it to the next person. With one wrong answer they must start the sequence over. The player can choose to guess on any top facing card no matter how many in the pile. If wrong/correct the can stick with the new top card or try a different top card until their turn is over. Wrong answers the player must drink the number of cards in the pile and if the number is the same it is deemed a social so everyone must suffer the same fate and drink along with the person guessing for that guess. When you initially run out of cards to guess with, the person who is in turn must choose a row or column of cards to continue the game. The new row or column will be shuffled and the number of cards to choose from becomes smaller. This is continued all the way down until you have one pile to choose from and one pile to guess from. Essentially the game starts out slow, with people having one or two drinks, but it gets interesting when your guess can determine if you have 20, 30, or even 50 drinks.

Kill Your Liver: *****
Don’t play this game unless you are up for challenges, and others would say that you are a good drinker. Notice how I said “others” consider you a good drinker. You can’t just think you are good you have to be cause if you are not good at drinking and drinking games you might not last a round.

*NEEDS*- Deck of cards, pitcher, lack of common sense

*Rules*- Shuffle the deck and leave them in a stack. The First player makes a wager on whether the next card to be pulled will be red or black. A wager is any amount of whatever you are drinking (something with alcohol preferably) into the pitcher. If you are correct (guess red and the card is red) pass the pitcher to the next participant, and just enjoy life and whatever you have been drinking until your turn comes up again. If you are wrong well you are shit out of luck. With a wrong guess the player must drink the contents of the pitcher for the game to resume. Not so bad right, you drink what you put in, right? No, no. You drink what you put in and what the others wagered, on the condition they guessed correctly. The only time you will be drinking just your wager is if the container was empty when it was passed to you. Here is the real twist to this game; it is different because there is no universal type of drink designated to this. This means every participant can be drinking a different beverage. Who created this game? IDK, but it is fun. Just play one round though anymore and it will be a horrible night for someone.

J Mull’s 24 hour Challenge: ****

J. Mulls is a great guy. One of the most awesome people you will have an opportunity to meet. The guy has a gift for drinking. He is naturally talented. Also a bit crazy (in a good way). He set this challenge on accident he just decided to do it, and was successful.

*NEEDS*-Largest bottle of Sunny D, Liter of cheap vodka, a day

*Rules*- Finish both in a 24 hour period.

Teams: ***
Simple team challenge.

*NEEDS*-Dedicated friends who are not quite alcoholics, but are damn close

*Rules*- really simple, two guys and one girl per team. The objective is to be the first to finish a handle of any type of liquor that is mutually agreed upon by all teams before hand. (Hint: Slow and steady wins the race. Take your time people have won this competition in days not hours.)

Electricity: ****(*)
The explanation of this game is so much more difficult than the game itself. Trust me, even if you understand the game you will find it hard to explain to others and it is a tough sell to people especially if they are impatient and wanting to play drinking game on the spot. But understand once everyone learns the game (which is not really that hard, just sounds confusing) crazy fun, and you will learn who you can trust and who is an asshole.

*NEEDS*- Deck of cards, at least three people, the more the merrier. Find the right balance in numbers and you will play all the time.

*Rules*- Seemingly hard game but it is not. The key is people who are willing to pay attention. Distribute all the cards as evenly as possible. Unequal distribution is not too bad because the game is played in a circuit and only the card facing matters, i.e. if I have 2 cards in a pile and a person next to me has 3 in their pile my top card and their top card are the ones in play. This is important; your top card is always in play until you flip a card on top of it. After the cards are distributed do not look at your cards. No one should know what card they have coming up. So to begin, one player flips over their first card followed by the person closest to them in clockwise order. This continues until there is a match of two or more connecting players. A match is having the same suit (Hearts, etc.) or the same number (2's, etc.).Once a match is seen play is stopped until the players involved have taken there respective drinks. Drinks are determined by the card in question ( 2 = 2 all the way to Ace = 14). Here is the catch, drinks are not counted by the individuals who are drinking, but by those who are not. All players who do not have to drink count in clockwise order starting from the person who breaks the match/chain (closest to the person drinking). The Players who are counting can "count at their own pace", but they can not go out of order or say the wrong number or they will be drinking the remainder of the drinks by themselves at the mercy of all the other players. There is incentive for the player drinking quickly while the others count, if you were to finish your drink before the player reached the last number of your drinks the person who doe not say their number has to take the rest of the drinks (a hot potato like scape goat). It is complex. After all the counting is done, continue to flip until there is another match (repeat counting and drinking). Once there are no remaining cards, the game is over.

1 comment:

  1. Is this Buzzed drinking game good? Any recommendation for a college party? Amazon rated 4.5 stars, which looks solid and not expensive.

