Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Beer: More Than A Catalyst for Drunkenness

Beer: The dynamic drink

Beer is a pretty dynamic substance and you can use it in many ways. The best thing you can do with it is cook with it. Just like wine, cooking with beer adds a different kind of kick that you might not get with other ingredients. It may be useful to know what you can do with beer just in case a random situation arises. It may also come in handy when you get into those annoying arguments about beer and why you like it so much. You can tell those who despise beer and even the people who just do not understand why beer is arguably one of the best discoveries of man. I mean think of it historically, at one point alcoholic beverages were better for you than water. But if this is not convincing enough give them some other uses for beer. Read this article, 31 Things You Can Do with Beer (Besides Drink It), from Men’s Health magazine by Joe Kita, and discover some other uses of beer.

31 Things You Can Do with Beer (Besides Drink It)—Joe Kita

(picture and Logo for Men's Health obtained from the Men's Health website)

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