Thursday, March 31, 2011

Beer Review: Pyramid's Haywire Hefeweizen

 An Unpredictable Love/Hate Relationship

I am a little biased toward this style of beer. The hefeweizen style is easily at the top of my list of favorite beers. With that said, the Haywire Hefeweizen is a decent beer. It is a curious beer in the sense that it is not very consistent (maybe to do with shipping and distributing or something). This is one of those beers that at times you will never want to put it down, but on the other hand, there are times in which you will wish you had not opened the beer at all. This beer definitely has to be categorized as one of the “love/hate” beers. For those who like to drink beer as a refreshment with less concern about the complexities in taste will love this beer, where as those who enjoy a very diverse and defining taste in their beer might not like this beer. It gives you just enough to enjoy it more than macro-brews, but not truly a lovable craft beer. If you are getting into beer and tasting or you want to try new styles of beer, I believe this is a great starter hefeweizen. It will not be the best but it will not be overpowering. Overall it is a decent beer, but it can provide for mixed opinions.

Germany still has the best hefeweizen but the American style is not bad. American versions are much closer to our traditional style of beers and more of an orange flavor. The American styles (in my opinion) are a little sweeter.

Name: Haywire Hefeweizen

Brewery: Pyramid Breweries, Seattle, Washington

Style: American Pale Wheat Ale, Hefeweizen (American Style)

ABV: 5.2%

Taste Like: The beer has a wheat flavor with hints of citrus. It is a little sweet, more so than other beers. All its flavors, however, are not long lasting. Very drinkable and smooth, great for the summer. The bad part about this beer is that it does not really stand out; essentially it is plain, despite its style.

Goes Well With: This beer can go with a great deal of foods and events. The great thing is that it has its own flavor, but it does not interfere with the taste of anything else. It is heavier than other beers and can be filling, but not overbearing.

Budget: $$- A six pack of this is not too expensive but definitely more than your macro-brews. They are, however, cheaper than other hefeweizens.

Grade: C (77)

Overall: Tipsy

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Beer Review: Yuengling’s Traditional Lager

The Freshmen “Fancy” Beer/ The People’s Beer

Yuengling is a good beer and it has a pretty good taste, but it is by no means fancy. This idea of being a fancy beer comes to mind because it seems that when younger, less experienced or new beer drinkers begin to explore the enormous variety of beer they usually start out with the basic commercial beer and work their way around the usual (macro-brews i.e. Natty, Bud, Keystone, etc.), and then without fail someone introduces them to Yuengling. Yuengling, with much more flavor than the usual, becomes the beer of choice. It becomes the beer that is associated with drinking beer for flavor and taste and disassociating it solely as means to just get drunk (might be a different beer for other people, especially since Yuengling is not distributed as widely as other beers). Now that beer is not just for getting drunk, you begin to try other beers, using Yuengling as the “beer stepping stone”. After the initial infatuation with Yuengling, however, people can start to become more adventurous and try new beers. As a result, Yuengling begins to get lost in the crowd of other beers because it is good but not over the top. It can best be described as a good beer at the lower end of the spectrum. In the same token it can easily become your fall back or go-to beer in a pinch. It is the perfect beer that is not going to be looked at as anything too special, or show that you have bad taste. It is a good beer and you will probably have this beer on several occasions.

Name: Yuengling’s Traditional Lager

Brewery: Yuengling Brewery, Pottsville, PA

Style: American Amber Lager

ABV: 4.4%

Taste Like: It has a very clean taste and it is very drinkable. There is also a very distinctive taste of this beer, it is not a bad taste but you will know it when you taste it. It is a sort of sharp bitter taste, but it does not last so it does not as an after taste.

Goes Well With: You can drink the beer by itself or with a meal. It has enough taste to stand on its own, but not enough to affect what you are eating. Like I mentioned earlier, it can definitely be a go to beer, one you have when you just need a beer.

Budget: $$- It will not hurt your wallet too much. It is, however, more expensive than the commercial beers. The price fits the type of beer that it is meaning it is not cheap not too expensive and it is worth buying.

Grade: B- (83)

Overall: Tipsy

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Beer Review: R.J. King's WingWalker Lager

Your Regular Everyday Normal Beer

Walking around the beer fridge you see all the normal beers, but they just will not do. You are in the mood to try something new, maybe get lucky and find the one great beer that has been going under the radar. There is a decent variety, but you want to stick to a style you know so you are looking at the lagers and you see an enticing label called R.J. King WingWalker. Let’s face it, advertising is everything and the label and name is different then what you might see on any other beer. You make up your mind and decide to try it. Hoping that the uniqueness of labeling would correspond with the taste of the beer, however, you discover that the beer is plain. Drinking this beer I was trying to figure out how to describe it and normal was the best I could do. In fact when normal came to mind I thought of Jon Lajoie and his song “Regular Everyday Normal Guy”. A funny and unique song describing the most basic and everyday average life, like the beer appearing different but the substance is not saying much. The beer is not great, but it is not bad either, nothing that you will go out of your way to get, but if put in front of you, you can drink it.

Name: R.J. King WingWalker Lager

Brewery: R.J. King WingWalker, Rochester, NY

Style: American Pale Lager

ABV: 4.5%

Taste Like: A bitter and highly carbonated apple/wheat drink. The taste doesn’t last very long. It is just average, not really distinctive in flavor.

Goes Well With: It goes well with pretty much anything. It is very drinkable, and does not have an overpowering taste. The only problem is the amount of carbonation may affect your body, but that is depending on the individual.

Budget: $$- It, like many other unique brands, goes for a little more than your name brand beers but it will not put a whole in your wallet. It is worth giving a try, but not worth going back for more. I will say the other beer in the WingWalker line are better than this one and deserve a try as well.

Grade: C (74)

Overall: Buzzin

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Beer Review: Natural Ice

The 6th year Fraternity Brother’s drink of choice

To be honest, there is not a great deal to say about Natural Ice. I feel that the best compliment for this beer is that it is not the absolute worst beer. That may be harsh, but as far as taste goes it is pretty bad. I will admit that I have purchased this on several occasions, but as a poor college student what else could you expect. Natural Ice is great for people on a tight budget, but still need to have fun (get drunk). One of the few benefits of this beer is the fact that it is around the same price of Natural Light but it has a higher ABV. The only other positive aspect of this beer is that it is great as a party beer. Essentially, you get a large quantity, for a small price. It is the typical “big party” drink, and as such serves its purpose, but outside of that it really is not any good. The Urban Dictionary describes it best.

Name: Natural Ice

Brewery: Anheuser-Busch, Inc., Missouri

Style: American Adjunct Lager

ABV: 5.9%

Taste Like: Hopefully you have the good fortune to not taste this drink. Drink it quickly at near freezing temperatures and it will not taste like anything. In reality, it already has a watered-down taste but you really do not get many other flavors and the after taste is much worse.

Goes Well With: Everything and nothing. If you find yourself in a situation where Natty Ice is the drink, you probably are not eating anything that can be affected by this drink. It is great for large gatherings and parties due to its low price. It will also be great as “hand-out” beers. “Hand-out” beers are those you give to people who do not really distinguish the taste of beers, and you do not want to waste your higher quality beer on someone who cannot tell the difference.

Budget: $- Definitely a party beer. You will buy this beer in mass quantities and regret it in the morning, but by then they are all gone. If you are just buying beer for your enjoyment, avoid this beer, but if you are have a large party, go for it.

Grade: D- (63)

Overall: Blackout

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Improve Your Get-together! Diversify…

Every time people come over you have the usual, few cases of beer, and a generic mixed drink. Let me tell you, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this setup, keeping it basic is smart and easy. On occasion, however, the opportunity presents itself when you should go above and beyond normal, like when you have to impress some people, socials are starting to get redundant, or some people just are not fans of the limited drink selection. Normally, it would be suggested to do what you do best and not change things up, because up until now it has been working for you, but if it hasn’t there is a way to keep your traditions but add something new. It isn’t new in the sense that you have never heard of it, but maybe you shouldn’t wait for a special occasion to bust them out. I am talking about Jell-O Shooters! But not just your regular vodka shooters, I mean trying a new style. Through one of the great inventions of the internet, Stumble©, I came across this Jell-O Shooter experiment. On this website, myscienceproject, there is a number of Jell-O shot related articles along with some other very interesting articles. It is a good plan to get some ideas from these articles. You might just impress some people, and at the least, experimenting with these Jell-O shooters will make you feel good (get you drunk).


Vodka Jello Shots
1 (6-ounce) box of Jell-O (flavor of your choice), 2 cups boiling water, 2 cups vodka

Margarita Jello Shots
1 6-ounce package lime Jello, 2 cups boiling water, 1 1/2 cups white (not gold) tequila, 1/4 cup Triple Sec or Cointreau, 1/4 cup fresh lime juice

Pina Colada Jello Shots
1 6-ounce package pineapple Jello, 2 cups boiling water, 2 cups Malibu (coconut) rum

Rum and Cola Jello Shots
1 6-ounce package cherry Jello, 1 cup boiling cola, 1 cup cold cola, 2 cups light rum

Champagne Jello Shots
1 6-ounce package white grape Jello (or just grape flavor), 2 cups boiling water, 2 cups champagne or sparkling wine

Dreamsicle Jello Shots
1 6-ounce package orange Jello, 2 cups boiling water, 2 cups vanilla liqueur

For more info and tips try these recipes.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Beer Review: LionsHead Lager

The Non-Commercial, Commercial Beer

One thing we often take for granted is how smooth the taste of a drink is. We hear it in commercials all the time but what is it really? I mean as smooth as water is great, but if I want to drink water I can get that for free. The criticism for your average “name-brand” pilsner beers is that they are a bit watery and lack flavor. At least with this beer you will get some flavor. This beer is like the top of Mr. Clean’s head, smooth. (But Mr. Clean is old so there are occasionally a few wrinkles, same with this beer sometimes you will drink and it won’t be the same as the rest.) This beer will also fill you up, not anywhere close to stouts, but it will seem little heavy in your stomach. Last, but not least, you can never go wrong with puzzles under the cap!

Name: Lions head

Brewery: Lion Brewery, Pennsylvania

Style: Pilsner

ABV: 4.5%

Taste like: Taste a great deal like a commercial beer but with a small brewery feel and after taste. Very enjoyable and can go with a great deal of occasions and food.

Goes well with: Late night and fast food. Do not go with Ramen on this one or you will feel pretty stuffed, tired, and lazy (unless that is your thing, we all have those days). Chinese food is not too bad with this; just eat the Chinese food first. Once you get that initial full feeling of Chinese food begins to wear off start drinking.

Budget: $$- not a party beer, you will not go out and buy cases and cases of this. Slow night, trying to switch things up, or try something new then try this. The cost will not defer you from purchasing that pizza at two in the morning, but you might be full anyways.

Grade: B- (81)

Overall: Tipsy

Beer Review: Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat

A Diamond in the Rough

Some people may to refer to this as Leinie’s or just sunset wheat, but regardless of what you call it its delicious. The first thing you will need to do is find this beer. It is widely distributed, but not in great quantities. If you have the chance to get this beer on tap, like other beers, is even better out of the tap. After you get your hands on this drink you will notice that it smells and taste a little like Fruity Pebbles. Seriously, if you have enjoyed a bowl of Fruity Pebbles you will like this beer. This is a very fruity beer, almost as fruity as an episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, but not as annoying and has no affect on your sexual orientation.

This may be a turn off to many regular beer drinkers and those who do not care for sweet drinks. On the other hand, this is great for people who do not typically enjoy beer. Many a female who swear against your average beer will most definitely drink this. It is also a great summer beer; enjoy this in nice weather or when you are just relaxing. I am positive (even more so than Magic) about this beer being a great experience for all who try it. Some will not drink very much of it and others will make it their beer of choice, but all will probably agree that they can drink it with no complaints.

Name: Leinenkugel’s Sunset Wheat

Brewery: Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company, Wisconsin (Miller-Coors)

Style: Witbier, Belgian Wit

ABV: 4.9%

Taste Like: You feel like you just had some Fruity Pebbles. A very fruity beer with hints of lemon, blueberry, and orange. It is comparable to Blue Moon or Shock Top.

Goes well with: Summer. Don’t drink this with hot foods, maybe a cold sandwich or chips. Perfect for cold pizza.

Budget: $$$- For a six pack, it is going to run you some CASH MONEY. Not the most expensive beer but you will not be able to buy it in great quantity, but especially limited with a budget.

Grade: B+ (88)

Overall: Party