Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Beer Review: Natural Ice

The 6th year Fraternity Brother’s drink of choice

To be honest, there is not a great deal to say about Natural Ice. I feel that the best compliment for this beer is that it is not the absolute worst beer. That may be harsh, but as far as taste goes it is pretty bad. I will admit that I have purchased this on several occasions, but as a poor college student what else could you expect. Natural Ice is great for people on a tight budget, but still need to have fun (get drunk). One of the few benefits of this beer is the fact that it is around the same price of Natural Light but it has a higher ABV. The only other positive aspect of this beer is that it is great as a party beer. Essentially, you get a large quantity, for a small price. It is the typical “big party” drink, and as such serves its purpose, but outside of that it really is not any good. The Urban Dictionary describes it best.

Name: Natural Ice

Brewery: Anheuser-Busch, Inc., Missouri

Style: American Adjunct Lager

ABV: 5.9%

Taste Like: Hopefully you have the good fortune to not taste this drink. Drink it quickly at near freezing temperatures and it will not taste like anything. In reality, it already has a watered-down taste but you really do not get many other flavors and the after taste is much worse.

Goes Well With: Everything and nothing. If you find yourself in a situation where Natty Ice is the drink, you probably are not eating anything that can be affected by this drink. It is great for large gatherings and parties due to its low price. It will also be great as “hand-out” beers. “Hand-out” beers are those you give to people who do not really distinguish the taste of beers, and you do not want to waste your higher quality beer on someone who cannot tell the difference.

Budget: $- Definitely a party beer. You will buy this beer in mass quantities and regret it in the morning, but by then they are all gone. If you are just buying beer for your enjoyment, avoid this beer, but if you are have a large party, go for it.

Grade: D- (63)

Overall: Blackout

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