Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Beer Review: LionsHead Lager

The Non-Commercial, Commercial Beer

One thing we often take for granted is how smooth the taste of a drink is. We hear it in commercials all the time but what is it really? I mean as smooth as water is great, but if I want to drink water I can get that for free. The criticism for your average “name-brand” pilsner beers is that they are a bit watery and lack flavor. At least with this beer you will get some flavor. This beer is like the top of Mr. Clean’s head, smooth. (But Mr. Clean is old so there are occasionally a few wrinkles, same with this beer sometimes you will drink and it won’t be the same as the rest.) This beer will also fill you up, not anywhere close to stouts, but it will seem little heavy in your stomach. Last, but not least, you can never go wrong with puzzles under the cap!

Name: Lions head

Brewery: Lion Brewery, Pennsylvania

Style: Pilsner

ABV: 4.5%

Taste like: Taste a great deal like a commercial beer but with a small brewery feel and after taste. Very enjoyable and can go with a great deal of occasions and food.

Goes well with: Late night and fast food. Do not go with Ramen on this one or you will feel pretty stuffed, tired, and lazy (unless that is your thing, we all have those days). Chinese food is not too bad with this; just eat the Chinese food first. Once you get that initial full feeling of Chinese food begins to wear off start drinking.

Budget: $$- not a party beer, you will not go out and buy cases and cases of this. Slow night, trying to switch things up, or try something new then try this. The cost will not defer you from purchasing that pizza at two in the morning, but you might be full anyways.

Grade: B- (81)

Overall: Tipsy


  1. I get this for$10 for a 18 pack of 16 oz cans it don't get much cheaper than that. Good luck finding it outside Pennsylvania tho

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